Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Last saturday I was in Charlottesville for a kumihimo workshop. Kumihimo is a method of braiding particular to Japan. Bundles of silk threads are braided together to create a cord.
A pretty good explanation is at Wikipedia with some links:


My teacher is Norma Shapiro from Roanoke. She has come up with the idea of braiding strands of beads together. This is the second class I've taken from her. In the first class we did a hollow braid with 8 strands. This time we did a spiral braid with 8 strands. When finished it kind of looks like a double spiral chain (http://beadweaverdreams.homestead.com/doublespirals.html).

Will post pics soon.

1 comment:

Gypsy said...

I hope to see this soon!
Aryd'ell a.k.a. Gypsy