My first attempt at posting a photo.
This is also one of my first attempts at combining two of my hobbies. Charolttes (glass seed beads cut on one side) cover a plastic craft form in peyote stitch, right angle weave stitch and - my personnal favorite - "damn-it-all" stitch, aka "whatever works stitch."
This piece was part of Beadwork IV:The Beaded Figure http://www.interweave.com/bead/events/BeadedFigure.asp
bellissimo il tuo lavoro. è un picchio? è molto realistico con il tronco e il verme nel becco.
ciao matilda
Oh my gosh - this bird is soooooo amazing. I have yet to try heavy beading like this but would love to -- and I plan to. A shame you missed the show - it really was wonderful. Heavy emphasis on art quilts (smaller size) this year. I have taken tons of pictures and plan on doing a slide show. Please stop by my blog again - and take a look.
Thanks for visiting me. And, thanks for sharing YOUR lovely work.
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